A country I'd like to visit

When I was a child, I always dreamed about travelling abroad, meeting different people and learning new languages. For too many years I learned german and english, and when I was 17 I finally went to Germany and did a student exchange.
I thought it was the most beautiful country I visited in Europe, so I would like to go there again a million times if it is required, because I have some german and chilean friends living there who I will visit someday.
I would like to go to Germany to do a student exchange again, but this time at the Heidelberg University, that is near the city of Frankfurt. There I want to improve my german and english in addition to learn some subjects of my career, agronomy.
Apart of Germany, I would love to go to Spain and walk through the way of Santiago de Compostela, where people can do a long walk through the path.

Image result for heidelberg universität


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